Saturday, January 19, 2008

Here come da Kitchen!

Hello one and all,

As many of you know, I have, for some time now, been living "sans kitchen" and let me tell you, the charm of eating out/mooching off of my friends and family has worn off. I have been keeping perishable items that need to be refrigerated in the unfinished kitchen which is just off of my bathroom. I call this room "The Fridge," because obviously, it's very cold in there. It's uninsulated and until very recently had no windows and consequently was at the mercy of the elements. But don't cry for me, Argentina: this part of the house is completely sealed off from the rest of my house and I am living safe and warm in my little "suite." Well, today, George and my Stepdad J.D. began laying down the floor to my kitchen. I knew something was up when I came back from an early morning meeting in town and saw the freshly delivered boards on my front lawn. As I strolled back in my front door I thought to myself "Ah, I LOVE the smell of lumber in the morning..." especially when said lumber is intended for my kitchen floor.

The rest of the day was a whirlwind of the Quilting-est kind: Private lessons, visitors, lots and lots of customers (It's been nuts lately!!!), people signing up for classes, my little sister asking me if I would take her to lunch, cutting fat quarters, picking out fabrics for people's quilts, answering e-mails, all interspersed with either George or J.D. popping in for a Root Beer and an update on how the floor was coming. Tonight I returned from a shopping trip to Brunswick and couldn't resist a little peeky-peek into the kitchen from the safety of my nice, warm bathroom. I have half a floor, but I feel like a kid at Christmastime who got everything she wanted.

I promise pictures in the near future, but the truth of the matter is that I am so rarely here at my house in the daytime that I never remember to snag a picture. But I know I would regret not having documented the transformation of this house: It has been SLOW as all get out, but thorough. As room by room this place becomes a home I love it more and more.

We are hoping to have our "Grand-Opening" coincide with the Alewives' migration in the spring: in other words, somewhere in between Mother's Day and Father's Day. Wouldn't that be so poetic? It's the perfect time to kick off our particular brand of Quilter's Retreat, so if you know anyone who might be interested in spending a few days quilting in the Mills at a very cute little house, pretty please would you pass the word along?

When it's done (The kitchen, that is) I promise you all freshly baked Chocolate Chip Cookies or some kind of delicious goodness. When it's ALL done (the whole house, that is) I promise a huge shindig to warm the house once and for all. In the meantime, I am content with my half a kitchen floor, because I know the rest can't be far behind.




  1. Yay for kitchen floors!! And Stephen is already waiting for those chocolate chip cookies :) Glad to see the shop is so busy! Let's get Etsy going soon for ya...

  2. Nicely written Rhea, Rhea. Although I don't know about the comment "very slow." I like to think of it as "stately progress."


  3. oh, how exciting! i bet the house is really coming together! i need to stop in and get some more yummy fabric!

  4. Three cheers! We want pictures. Rhea Rhea, send me some of your flyers and I will distribute them to my Florida guild. Who wouldn't want to come to a quilt retreat in Maine when it is sweltering in Florida?
