Number nine in our Holiday Gift Giving Top Ten is the Oliver+S Bedtime Story Pajama Set.
The Bedtime Story Pajamas earned a spot on the list because they are soooo gosh darn versatile. Who doesn't need pajamas? Everybody needs them. Everybody gets to open up one present on Christmas Eve and that present is always new pajamas, right? And when I say "everyone," I guess I mean "me." Unfortunately, the pattern only goes from infant's sizes up through to a kid's size 8, but if you need a pajama pattern for adults I can help you out there, too. Assuming you are making these PJ's for one of the kids on your list, this particular pattern has got you covered.
I love all of the Oliver+S patterns: they are so cute and easy and well-illustrated and just plain fun to sew. Things I like about the Bedtime Story PJ's: you can whip them up in an afternoon , they are a perfect project for a beginning sewer and depending on your fabric choices they would be a great present for a boy or a girl. I generally find that girls are much more fun to sew for, but I like a challenge and this is one creative solution to the "what can I make for a boy?" question. You could even just make up the PJ bottoms and buy a matching T-shirt if you were so inclined. How cute would that be?
Now, I can hear some of you out there saying "Shouldn't those PJ's be made out of flannel? Won't that lightweight cotton be too cold?" The answer is "no." Sure, this is Maine and it's coming on winter but that's what QUILTS are for, people! Quilts keep you warm at night, not PJ's!!! If you're making the Bedtime Story Pajamas for a baby then I can definitely green-light the flannel, but for someone older than 2 I truly don't think it would be necessary.
As of this post I have only got a couple of Bedtime Story Pajama patterns left at the store, but rest assured that I am re-ordering and there will be
By the by, am I the only one who thought the word "pajama" was spelled with a "Y" in there somewhere?
My spell-check says no, but I think yes.
See you again soon!!!
P.S. I almost forgot to mention that Alewives will be hosting the Oliver+S Trunk Show this coming January 5th through 19th!!! I'm really looking forward to this event and for those of you on our mailing list keep your eyes out for more info!!!
1 comment:
Hey Alewives Girl!
I just posted my pics of my first ever Reusable Shopping Bag. I am thrilled. Check it out sometime. Thank you again for your awesome store. I'll be back, soon I hope!
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