It's a total "Maine" expression, I believe.
I've always thought it meant "hunky dory," which I'm realizing may be another "Maine" expression.
It means everything is great.
Which is a very appropriate title for this post because there is so much good stuff going on at the shop right now:

• French General has arrived and will be up on the website for your viewing and purchasing pleasure tomorrow morning. The pre-cuts on these (charm packs, jelly rolls, layer cakes, etc) have sold reeeaaallly quickly and we most likely cannot reorder these fabrics (MODA is funny like that) so if you want some may I suggest pouncing? A lot of people (including myself) have been waiting for these to arrive. (P.S.... It is lovely.)

• Amy Butler's 2 new patterns have arrived. The Sweet Harmony Handbag & Tote and the Liverpool Dress. They are up on the website and ready to be taken home. The Liverpool Dress is so my favorite. I can't wait to make it but I have a few other irons in the fire, so the Liverpool may have to get put on the back burner. Or I could burn rubber and finish my other projects up quickly. Or I will have to stay up late and burn the midnight oil. Something will have to burn in order for me to make this.
• You can bring your kids by this Saturday for some good old-fashioned trick-or-treating. If there's anything we love it's giving other people's kids lots and lots of sugar. We want to see all those ghosties and goblins in their Halloween finest (Hilary Petersen, if you are out there reading this, I have my camera this time and this means YOU!!!). In years past we have stayed open Halloween night, but this year we will just be open during the day. At night I will be party-ing it up at Miss Jessie's house. In case you are wondering I'm dressing as a Geisha. Ollie is dressing as a Game Warden Zombie. (How hot is that?)
• Saturday, November 7th is our annual Late Riser's Sale and Food Drive. In conjunction with Damariscotta's annual Early Bird Sale (where the whole town gets up at un-Godly hours and wears PJ's to go shopping and get great deals) we will be discounting all in-stock merchandise by 20%. The store will be open from 9:00 to 5:00 that day and we will be serving hot cider and goodies. Class fees and gift certificates will also be 20% off. In addition to the sale, November 7th is the official kick-off to our Holiday Food Drive. Anyone who brings in a non-perishable food item will receive a special free gift and a good healthy dose of the Holiday Spirit. The Food Drive is a cause that's very important to us: Food Shelters are always low at this time of year, but because of the tough economy they are particularly low this year. So, please bring a food item, your wallet and a smile and we promise to keep the lines as short as possible!
• The Late Riser's Sale is also being offered to our internet customers! (We wouldn't leave you guys out!!! We love you!!!) Enough people have asked for an internet sale and we listened. All orders placed on Sunday, November 8th, 2009 will be discounted 20%. The discount applies to all in stock merchandise while it lasts. You will need to use the code "Late Riser" at checkout to receive the discount and only orders received on the 8th will be discounted.
• In anticipation of our sale, the store is extremely well-stocked right now. Lots of the latest books, patterns, and notions arrived at our door just yesterday morning. And, in one of my more brilliant moves (though I say it myself), we now carry Pom-Pom fringe and giant Rick Rack by the yard at the shop! They are not available online (yet) but they will be soon. For those of you who are local, you must see the Pom Pom fringe and giant Rick Rack in person: they are the Bee's Knees.
In other news I went for a mani/pedi last night at Nail World in Brunswick. Nail World is owned by the cutest Vietnamese girl named Lily. I love young ladies who own their own businesses and the service was great. The staff had us in stitches the whole time we were there and we all left feeling very pampered. They also gave me a glass of wine while I was in that jacuzzi-chair thing, with the vibrator and the roller-back going, so that probably helped. Oh, and in case you are wondering the name of my nail color is "Turn of the cent-Cherry" on my toes and "Lincoln Park after dark" on my fingers.
That is all for now!
Hope you're day is "Fine as Kind," too!
I have heard "fine as wine" before but never "fine as kind".
Also, "hunky dory" is also an SC thing.
Any progress on the Oliver + S raincoat??? That new AB dress pattern looks great!
oh my gosh, I thought it was "finest kind"!
It's "finest kind" just like the fabric at Alewives! Rhea, I can't wait to see the liverpool dress you make and your fabric choice! I"ll be right behind you! Looking forward to the Big Sale and here's a little hint for Halloween: Be on the lookout for a "Wild Thing"!
I must have been out of the state and country for too long because I don't know this phrase! :) What a busy shop you have!!! WHY can't I live next door....???
~hugs from Emily xoxo
'Finestkind' is a Maine fisherman's expression for describing the best of anything--
never heard fine/kind, but hunky dory is part of my childhood midwestern slang!
I grew up with old Scoth fishermen. I heard them reply all day when asked, "How are you captain?" - the replies were always, "Fine as Kine" - an old Scottish/gaelic term for cattle or wool or herd of sheep. Don't know if we'll ever know it's original meaning. My ancestry is Scotch. Ron 817-317-1695 (But it isn't "kind", I know that, it's kine or some similar spelling. (-;
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