I wanted to take a moment to share with you a few of the things I am thankful for this year:
• I am thankful for my favorite fiancé I have ever had and his wonderful dog (who is now OUR wonderful dog).
• I am thankful for my family who are all very close (both literally and figuratively).
• I am thankful for my friends (both my "real life" friends and my "online" friends).
• I am thankful for my house (after years of nomad-ing and apartment dwelling).
And lastly...
• I am thankful for my job at Alewives Fabrics and all of our wonderful customers.
I truly do not know what my life would be like if I weren't there and a big part of ME being there is YOU being there.
Does that make sense?
I guess what I am trying to say is...
I am thankful for YOU!!!
(That and we will be CLOSED tomorrow but open as usual on Friday... Sewing Lounge and all).
What are YOU thankful for???
See you after the big day and thanks for all the turkey advice!
There is a rumor underfoot that there will be an ALL DAY Sewing Lounge on Friday to kick-off your Holiday sewing. Feel free to partake!!! (I know I will!!!)
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