If you wanted to come to the class but couldn't because it was sold out, tickets to the lecture are only $5, and (though I say it myself), the timing of Liesl's visit couldn't be more perfect: she's just announced that the very first Oliver+S book (called Little Things to Sew) will be released this Spring.

All photos courtesy of the Oliver+S blog
We are calling this evening with Liesl "An Evening with Liesl" (real original, huh?) and it will begin at 7:30 on Saturday, November 13th. The evening will take place here at Alewives. There had been talk about holding the evening some place else, in a larger venue, but then the whole "wedding thing" happened and I'll admit I completely dropped the ball and never found another place to meet up, so we will be nice and comfy-cozy here at the shop!
The evening will be pretty casual: I've asked Liesl to share a little bit about her background in sewing, from her college days at F.I.T. to designing for Ralph Lauren. I'm sure Liesl will have lots to say about what it's like to design and develop and direct your own children's clothing pattern company (also known as Oliver+S). Personally I can't wait to hear all about her process designing fabric for Moda. Liesl's current line, "City Weekend" has been a huge hit here at the shop.

I've got tons of questions about her upcoming line, "Modern Workshop", which Liesl tells me is based on the Weiner Werkstatte. I will admit I have no idea what the Weiner Werkstatte is, but Liesl assures me it has nothing to do with Hot Dogs.
Aaannnddd, now that the cat is out of the bag, I am hoping she will give us the scoop on Little Things to Sew and any other upcoming projects.
If you have never met Liesl in person (and I'm assuming that most people in this neck of the woods haven't), then you should come to our evening presentation if for nothing more than to meet an incredibly nice gal and one of Modern Sewing's leading ladies.
I know I use the term "One of Modern Sewing's leading ladies" a lot, but it's true. If it weren't for gals like Amy Butler, Heather Ross, Denyse Schmidt, Anna Maria Horner, Heather Bailey and Liesl Gibson, stores like Alewives probably wouldn't do as well as we have. It' s these leading ladies and their creative work that helps us be successful. To me, this will be like spending the evening with a celebrity and I am so glad that Liesl can join us.
Plus it gives us a good excuse to have wine!
We are encouraging people to purchase tickets ahead of time, but tickets will also be available at the door. If you think you would like to come, please let us know so we can be prepared.

The "Evening with Liesl" will begin at 7:30pm, will be held here at Alewives Fabrics, will include time for a Q+A session (so come prepared with lots of questions!), will include food and wine and tickets cost just $5 each... we would love to see you there!
Please call me at the shop (207 563 5002) with any questions or e-mail me (alewives@alewivesfabrics.com) and I will get back to you ASAP!
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