• My kitchen: been canning a lot lately using the water bath method. It's our first time and we are loving it!
• Ollie and I went out on the Schooner Olad with Captain Aaron the other night for the sunset cruise. We had a great time. Ever the professional, Captain Aaron spent most of the cruise racing the Schooner Appledore. We literally sailed a circle around them... *loved it*
• Saw a great post over at crazy mom quilts and was inspired beyond words. Can't wait for the instructions to be available! (Was also inspired to repaint my studio).
• Ollie and I are going on vacation here at the end of the month (Phiona we're coming to see you, girl!)... anyone from that area (Cindy) have any great recommendations for what we should do? I'm all ears!
• Here's a great link from the Ink and Spindle girls explaining the pricing formula used by many shops and why it's important for shop owners to use it. A must for anyone who's ever wondered why certain prices at certain places are so high. (Guess I am personally affected by this, therefore found it fascinating... thanks, ladies!). I'm not out to make anybody feel guilty for buying less-expensively priced fabrics, but it is important to understand the price differential.
• And speaking of such things... here's a link to the newest Echino collection, which should be arriving in a few weeks. We've ordered the entire line, plus 4 bolts as laminated cottons. Can you guess which 4 we ordered as laminates? But seriously, folks... very excited about the newest Echinos. I'm a sucker for anything with birds on it. And anything Echino for that matter.
• Have you seen the new fabrics section of our shop lately? I was surprised when I sat down to take a look. I've been out of the shop for 24 hours exactly and there was a LOT of good stuff that arrived yesterday, including the Anna Maria Horner Needleworks fabrics. But I think my favorite is this one from Moda. What is Nankeen Buff, anyways?
• Brooke is opening up her Etsy shop again soon... Can't wait to see what she makes with some of our fabrics and some of her stash!
• Ollie and I watched Sucker Punch the other night. I was surprised it was only rated PG-13 but upon a second viewing I see the potholes that lead to an "R" rating were carefully avoided. Confession: I liked it. Guess I don't mind violence if it's completely over the top and stylized (see also: "Desperado," "300," "Sin City" and "Shoot 'Em Up"). Not saying I would want to watch this with my little sister, but I liked it a lot.
Alright, off to buy some carrots from Brady to make Amanda's Carrot Tomato Soup and see what other kinds of trouble I can get into on my day off.
See you all again soon!
squee! you linked to me already! woohoo! ;) i loved this post -- i have been dying to get into canning so i am going to check out your link on that!
What a fabulous kitchen you have! I love it.
Button Bay? Ah, my side of the state!
In nearby Vergennes, must stops are:
Vergennes Laundry for croissants (I'm French and these are the real deal)
3 Squares for breakfast or lunch
Daily Chocolate for sweets
Black Sheep Bistro for dinner.
In Shelburne:
Jamie 2 Coats, fantastic toy shop
Flying Pig book store
Shelburne museum (go see the fashion exhibit - very cool)
Shelburne Farms (great for picnics).
And of course Burlington -- Church Street, especially.
Have fun!
Thanks for the suggestions, Icy!
Ok, well I agree with all Icy's suggestions... I would add that you should check out the quilts at Shelburne museum and Ollie could do some black smithing. Maritime museum, look at new bridge, hike in Adirondacks, Nido's (natch), Shelburne Orchard, Middlebury, definitely the Black Sheep. And if you have never been to Shelburne Farms for a walk- that is a must. Is Rubin coming? Because he might have to have a walk with Moxie!
Thanks, Cindy! We will check all those things out... glad to hear there is something Ollie would like at the Shelburne Museum (His Uncle has a forge!). Reuben is staying at the kennel, but the next time we're in town he'd love to go for a walk with Moxie (or vice versa!). I'll let you know when we plan to go to Nido's in case you can come out and play, too!
hey! when are you taking this trip of yours??? wanna make sure i'm at nido when you stop by!
p.s. LOVE your kitchen!
We're leaving on Friday (one week from tomorrow) and staying through Monday. Will you be around then?
Also, Cindy: the kennel was full, so looks like Reuben is coming with us. Let me know if you want to set up a playdate with Moxie!
i'll be at the shop on friday until 6 but am off saturday & sunday.
will i see you??
I'll make sure we come and see you: Friday afternoon it is! Tell Cindy!
Does Reuben want to go to the dog park?
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