Next down the pike and in line for the washing machine...
...the future numbers eight and nine (you thought I was kidding about that "don't get used to it" thing, didn't you?)
Six and seven are cut and sitting patiently by my sewing machine.
They should be putting in an appearance soon.
Any day now, really.
And Happy Mother's Day to all you "Muthas" out there!
Have a great week... I'm off to have some Fiddleheads (yum!!!)
1 comment:
Dear quiltfriend,
I got your mailadres from www.quiltinggalery.com, and I have a question to you.
My sister is, after an exiting period, finaly pregnant of her first baby.
Now I would like to make a bright-colored quilt for her. To welcome the baby to this world
with a quilt from patches from all over the world. I try to collect scraps of 12x12 cm (5x5 inch).
Do you have a piece of fabric that may be suitable, perhaps you would sent it to me.
I would really like to use it!
Many thanks and warm greetings,
Elizabeth Kremer
Wedderweg 91
9665 JM Oude Pekela
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