Number three in a series of... who knows???
Many, many, many.
Have I mentioned how much I love these Summer Blouses?
I made this one from some of the new(ish) rayon/linen blend that we have at the store. I trimmed the collar, placket and the bottom hem in a batik to give it that extra little "pop" and keep it from being too boring, but the truth is, I think it would be just as fabulous without the contrast, too.
That rayon/linen is great stuff, my friends. You heard it hear first: highly endorsed and two thumbs up and all for $7.50 a yard if memory serves. You could easily make the placket from your scraps OR if you want the contrasting hem and collar you will have to spring for a fat quarter.
So, worst case scenario this shirt is going to cost you all of fifteen bucks. Correct me if I am wrong, ladies and gentlemen, but I do NOT believe that even WAL-MART could make something similar for fifteen bucks. And it certainly wouldn't be as nice and stylish and well-made, either.
As you can see from the wrinkles, this one has already been worn sooo much that it has passed the point of "needing to be washed." But that's okay... I'll just crank out some more!!!
See you again soon,
1 comment:
Rhea Rhea....
PAAAAHLEASE get your buy stuff online section of the website up!! The fabric stores here in Detroit SUCK, and you have spoiled me for LIFE!!!
If I send you some paint chips, will you pick 16 fat quarters that sort of go with it? And I'll send my debit card number for you to charge. Next time I'm in Maine I'm going to have to make a big ass purchase to supliment what I can get here. UGH.
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