Monday, November 5, 2012


• For friends and family who threw me the sweetest baby shower yesterday afternoon •

• For this community I live and work in: such a wonderful place to raise a child •

• For a husband who helps me snip tags and fold tissue paper after the shower, paying each gift special attention and pointing out his favorites among the loot, until everything is put away and organized and in its new special place •

• For the BeBand I bought at Target a week ago... how did I ever live without one of these things? •

• For every little kick and flutter and hiccup coming from my belly, and the feeling that I already have such a special bond with this baby because of his constant reminders he is in there, growing all the time, getting stronger and bigger until he is ready to come out •

• For an extra hour yesterday and some much needed sleeping-in time •

•  For an amazing local hospital, a midwife I really connect with, and the chance to ask a jillion questions at baby class every Monday night •

• For the interactions here on this blog with my readers: thank you from the bottom of my heart for checking in with me... sometimes we talk about fabric and my shop, sometimes we'll talk about babies and other personal stuff.  Such a great place to share and make new realtionships! •

