Good Morning to everyone,
I don't know why, but I'm in one of those totally annoying, "Today Show" era Katie Couric, good moods. Why? I have no clue. Honestly. Must have had sweet dreams last night and gotten the magic amount of sleep or something. Also, the weather has been AMAZING lately. Perfect fall, Maine weather. Kristine's having a baby ANY MINUTE now (I'm just waiting for my phone to ring with the news that "the Eagle has landed"...) We won't talk about the Red Sox today.
Anyways, I have these pictures to share with you... I don't know how many of you know the shop's history, but the building we're in was once upon a time a Carriage House for the big yellow house across the way, which is now where Dr. Friedland (Our family Dr./photographer/neighbor) and his family live. In the meantime, it became, around 1933, a general store, owned by Mr. Ernest McGray. Ernest McGray was actually my great, great, great uncle. He was my Grandmother's uncle, in other words, and my Grandmother used to work there when she was a teenager. She pumped gas and helped people buy penny candy and bananas and soap flakes and all that old-fashioned-y stuff. In the meantime, it was sold to the Hallowell's (another old, Maine family) and then sometime, about 30 years ago, it became a fabric store and has remained a fabric store to this very day. My Mom bought the store 3 years ago (even though I've been working there for over 10 years) and she turned it into the fine establishment that it is today. In other words, she put the FAB back into FABRIC.
And even though we have a kind of contemporary feel to our fabrics in our old-fahsioned building (the best of both worlds, n'est-ce pas?) every once in a while something happens that reminds me of the days of 'yore. About a month ago, I hear the un-mistakable sound of Nick and his horses coming up the street, and they stop at our store for a little rest and an apple or two. Well, the horses had the apples, Nick had a Klondike bar or two. It was so cool!!! I had to run out with my camera and take a picture. You don't even have to try that hard, looking at these pictures, to imagine it's 1933 again.
XOXO Rhea Rhea