Just so everybody knows that Reuben was not neglected over the Holidays (LIZ!!!), here are some pictures of his Floor Pillow (and new red collar, too!).
Just so nobody thinks I slaved for hours piecing those triangles, you should know that Reuben's pillow was made of a pre-pieced Moda fabric that we carry at the store.
Just so no one accuses me of being a total work-a-holic, I am sitting home all day today in my sweats and catching up on my blog-reading (and writing) and watching lots of good HGTV and wondering if 10:12 am is too early for lunch.
Just so you know, it is REALLY cold today. Channel 6 says that there is going to be a high of 7 degrees today, but with the wind chill it's going to feel like -20 degrees below, so don't go out there!!!
Just so you don't miss it, the Oliver+S trunk show and our sale on children's fabrics and Oliver+S patterns ends on Monday. We've got some great Heather Ross prints in there, as well as the most soft and luxurious baby-wale corduroy I have ever come across.
And that's all she wrote!!!
See you again soon,
Oh, Rhea, Reuben is lucky to have you for his mama! I hear it is absolutely frigid there so I won't tell you how chilly it is here - only 70 degrees which is unseasonably cold in the Keys! Sorry, I just had to tell.
Rhea, I didn't get my BOM yet. I can't wait! Are you going to write about it on postcardquilt? Huh? Huh? I thought of you all last Saturday and missed you!
Hi Rhea, sorry I don't have your email address so I'll trust you'll see this note: I got my BOM! Yay!! Thanks, Rhea.
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