You are reading the blog of one happy camper, for two reasons...
1) The sun came out (finally) yesterday and it was actually sunny and hot and summer-like for 5 whole hours... now it's gone back to gray and rainy again.
2) I got the Ravenhill Doll I had ordered from Etsy. It came yesterday when it was sunny and bright and all was right with the world...
Does anybody else love ordering things in the mail and then playing the "Happy Mail Box Wait And See Game"?
Me, yes.
I've always thought that the one thing brick and mortar
But, I digress... back to the doll I ordered a few days ago: Fru Herland.
(The following is a letter I wrote to my new doll)
Fru Herland, I love you so. I admired you from afar for a few days before I knew you had to be mine and come home and live with me. I think your friends and family are gorgeous, especially when grouped together, but right away I loved you for your colors and your pretty little face.
I loved your delicate stitches and the heart on your tush.
So I bought you from Emily and she sent you overseas... all the way from Norway!
When you arrived there was a note inside from Emily.
She said she used to live in Waldoboro, which is right next door to me.
I wondered if she went to Medomak Highschool, and if she was ever in any of the plays I went to see there.
She also sent a Licorice candy (which I gave to Oliver, who is kind of like your Dad now) and a teeny little Toblerone which I ate right away.
It was a happy mail experience.
Now you are going to live in my house and I promise to keep you safe from Reuben (he would just love you, but he shows his love in a very different way, being a dog and all...) and I promise to admire you every day.
If I ever have a little girl I probably will keep you safe from her, too.
So, thanks for coming to live with me, Fru Herland...
I am very glad you're here!
(Your new Mom-ish type person)
If you've never seen Emily's blog, you really should go check her out. She is an American living in Norway and I was very pleasantly surprised to find that she's from Maine... Us Maine gals have to stick together and represent. We've got it tough out there: I know from personal experience the pre-conceived notions about Mainers. More than once have I been called "The Moose
Emily makes these great dolls and gives them each a name and I've spent a LOT of time perusing her Etsy shop. It is a feast for the eyes. She does what she does and she does it well, and nobody can do better than that.
Thanks, Ravenhill (Emily) for the lovely doll and for the "Happy Mailbox Experience!"
P.S. From Norway to Mexico... for any local gals out there, Sewing Lounge is taking a field trip this Sunday night to El Camino's in Brunswick. I've never been, but I hear it's fabulous. Julie says it looks like Pee-Wee's playhouse on the inside (and she means that in a GOOD way) and they have all fresh, local, organic ingredients and really great Pomegranate Margaritas, too! We're meeting up at the store at 5:00 or, meet us at El Camino's at 5:30-ish!!! Everyone is welcome!!!
I LOVE mail packages. Aahh, I have a couple things coming to me that I'm just dying to get my hands on!!
The little heart on her bum, so cute! Right there with you on awaiting packages. Even pictures from online print services are eagerly anticipated around here.
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