I will be back in a little bit to announce the winners!!!

Welcome to our first ever Virtual Christmas Open House!
Come on in, let me take your coat and get you something to drink... please make yourself at home!

To thank our wonderful customers for a fantastic year at Alewivesfabrics.com, we are giving some goodies away!
Everyone who "attends" this open house will win something great, but a lucky few are going to win some especially great items.

How do you "attend" a Virtual Open House?
It's easy: just leave me a comment on this post!
But, you can leave a comment more than once and increase your chance of winning one of our special prizes.
You can leave a comment once just for visiting the post, but you may also leave additional comments if you link to my blog, subscribe to my blog, follow me on twitter, tweet about this post or link to this post on your facebook page. For each of these things you do, leave one comment, and each comment will earn you an entry for some fabulous giveaway items.
Everyone who leaves a comment will receive an e-mail from me in the next couple of days with a top-secret code for a free fat quarter ($2.50 value) with your next order, so be sure to leave your e-mail address in your comment! You can use the code for as many times as you comment here on the post, but can only use the code only once per order (In other words, no more than one free fat quarter per order!).
But, you may win something even better than a secret code for a free fat quarter with your next order: you may win a free fat quarter bundle, a spot in my next Virtual Turning Twenty class, or a $50 gift certificate to the shop. If you win one of our big prizes, shipping is on me and I will send out the giveaway winner's prize right away!
Comments close at Midnight EST on December 19th.
Thanks very much for reading this blog and spreading the Alewives Fabrics Word and thanks for attending my Virtual Christmas Open House!!!
Happy Holidays and I will be back soon to announce the giveaway winners.
OH dear-I could be the first! But That's only because it's still a little early- like 7:30 Sat nite in Hawaii! Time zone differences have advantages & disadvantages! Anyway, to all those looking at snow-I'm still in my shorts, tee-shirt & bare feet!
OK-I subscribe to your blog (and love it!)
So Exciting!
Thanks for the chance :)
I have already subscribed to your blog :)
I follow on twitter @thepeachrainbow
I'm still hoping I can make it to an actual open house at the store :)
I also follow you on twitter! @bitterpurl
and I subscribe to your blog through google reader
Oh, I wish I could be there in person! I've heard so many good things about your shop.
I knew there was a reason I couldn't sleep and got up early to enjoy some quiet online time. I just couldn't remember why!
I already subscribe to the blog too.
Wow..only 11 down!! So happy you had a great year..hears to a wonderful 2011...Fingers crossed from across the pond
I'm keen - Just tweeted you
Following you on twitter...
Come on peeps, am I the only person here!!?
AND...facebooked you at Katie Switch Devenish
Now I get to relax and check out what is going on ;)
We used to live in Maine and I enjoy reading your blog and looking at the beautiful fabrics in your store! Thanks for a chance to win.
I love your blog and read it every day. I used to work in a fabric store that is was like what I pictured your store to be like. Sadly the store closed and I miss it. Reading your blog takes me back there!
I also subscribe to your blog! jsuereth@yahoo.com
Hi Rhea - wish I could get up there in person this weekend, but I decided I'd better stick around here and make the most of the last weekend before Christmas to get stuff done. Love the Virtual Open House idea!
I subscribe to your blog via my Google RSS Reader.
Hey Rhea! Happy Virtual Open House day! I'm sitting here in my PJs and drinking my morning coffee. My kind of open house! I'm planning a big crafting day today. Placemats for my mother-in-law with drawings from the kids, some felt Christmas ornaments, and maybe a holiday themed mug-rug. And I really need to finish my poor tree-skirt. My plans for quickie tree skirt got derailed by the need to piece the back because none of my fabric seems to be 44" wide because I prewashed it all. Sigh.
Already following you on Twitter, of course!
Just posted a link to your open house blog post on Facebook!
Already subscribed to the blog through Google Reader.
Just tweeted about the open house (@tinasquirrel). I think that was the first time I actually did one of the tinyurl things. It worked! (I am not a very avid tweeter.)
happy holildays and merry christmas to you rhea and all the ladies at the store.
and ollie of course.
im a happy follower!
And here is my post on my blog about the Virtual Open House. And you can see everything crafty-Christmas-wise that I have been up to recently.
I am sending my father into your store either Monday or Tuesday. If an older gentleman comes in looking to buy his daughter something, help him out and steer him in a good direction. He may need some help.
I love to read your blog.
I am a follower.
I'll be working on a Vinyl Grocery Tote today--thanks to your free pattern. Happy virtual open house!
Love your blog ! Thanks for a chance to win some goodies. Have a great holiday season :)
I am here! I am going to try to make it to the real open house today provided Christmas parties don't last too long!
I have already subscribed to your blog. I follow often to see what you are up to and see all the goodies!
I linked the Alweives home page on my blog page! So now when people read my blog they can go right to your site!
Thanks, Rhea, for hosting this Virtual Open House, especially for Christmas! I'm so excited that you got Amy's new fabrics!
Thanks for hosting such a fun event!!!
caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com
I am subscribed to your blog through Feedly and Google Reader
caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com
I shared a link to your event on my facebook page
caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com
I tweeted about the open house (I am caribousmom on Twitter)
caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com
I love your blog and look forward to visiting the store one day, but for now I'll do a little post Christmas shopping for myself after these holidays are done and gone, all the way from my computer here in the Rockey mountains in British Columbia, Canada. Happy Holidays!
Good Golly. I forgot to leave my email address. It's that kind of day!
Oh I wish that I could be there in person but alas it is not to be. Thanks for hosting the Virtual Open House.
I'm following...
Merry Christmas!!! Wish I could hop up to Maine to come in the shop...this will have to do for now! I'm working on a knitted hat for my husband, some flannel pillow cases for my girls, and an appliqued dinosaur shirt for my son. I would love to take your turning 20 class and learn how to quilt! It would be lovely to win!
I'm now following your blog!
love Alewives, Daramascotta, Maine, etc etc, and really enjoy your fab taste in putting your bundles together,
happy holidays!
I always read your blog!!
I follow you on twitter!
I posted a link on facebook
I tweeted about your open house!
I'll have a hot chocolate, thank you very much! Wish I could visit your store in person but it's a long trip from CA.
okay.. here goes.
i'm commenting for visiting your post.
i'm commenting for linking to your blog :) (entry & on my sidebar)
i'm commenting for subscribing to your blog.
aaaaaand, i linked to you on facebook. now i officially feel like a stalker ;)
Following your blog now--officially, that is.
...and I linked on FB.
What an awesome idea for a virtual open house! Thanks for sharing :)
I subscribe to you in my Google Reader!
Your shop/blog are both new to me...glad I was able to find you!
Thank-You! Love Love Love your shop!
This is a neat idea! I've never seen a virtual open house in the craft world before
What a clever idea! I love it!
I commented earlier but don't see it here. Merry Christmas!
This is such a neat thing to do. I hope to make it to the store in January!
I intend to check back here more often. You have so much to offer!
How fun! I've never been to a Virtual Open House before! I am a fairly new seamstress and have been blog-browsing all day for new places to get ideas and shop from :) Thank you!
hugs, margie
I am a follower of your blog now too :)
I am following on Twitter too!
I found your blog through your giveaway with MadeByRae. So happy to be here!
I have your link in my sidebar.
I'm a follower.
I posted a link to your virtual open house on facebook.
Am sooo excited about the first virtual Open House I have participated in-hope I win something fun! Even if not, I lovelovelove reading your blog and especially your gorgeous wedding details-your dress was really lovely! Am in Australia so I'm guessing that I'm in the right time frame?! Haha and happy holidays to all-looking forward to a barbeque on the beach for Christmas this year : )
OOPS!!! No email address. It's nosillae (at) hotmail (dot) com.
Merry Christmas to all!
Allison E (same as above)
Your shop looks beautiful.
Allie - fivejeppesens@gmail.com
I feel SOOO lucky to have such a fabulous shop like yours here on the Midcoast. How fun to see how far and wide you are followed on the net!! if only they could walk those wooden floors and be intoxicated by all the color in your charming shop!
So cool!!!
i love that fpicture of the children in the snow. We are praying for a white Christmas here in the Rockies!
Just came across your blog through someone elses and I love it...
Hello again...just signed up to be a follower of your blog...wonderful fabrics!...
please throw my name in Santa's hat for a chance...as a new quilter, this would be the best pressie ever!
blrohloff at aol dot com
Was hoping to get to the actual open house, but at least I can participate in the virtual one. Thanks!
Love your blog and now officially a follower.
Hi, I subscribe to your blog! I wish I lived in Maine, because I love your shop! harrell.amy@gmail.com
What a lovely idea, this little (not so little?) virtual open house. Fantastic!
tara -dot- gaston -at- gmail -dot- com
I follow your blog!
tara -dot- gaston -at- gmail -dot- com
I follow on Twitter @naturaladvocate
tara -dot- gaston -at- gmail -dot- com
Wow late getting in on this. Been a busy day. Hope I can still join in.
Thanks for doing this virtual open house! :)
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