Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's really hard to photgraph your hand...

... when your heart is beating a mile a minute.

Ollie asked me to marry him last night.

And I said YES!!!

I truly am the happiest ( and LUCKIEST!) girl in the world.


(the future MRS. BUTLER)


jessica's ned said...

Congratulations RHEA! I can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow!

the momma said...


so exciting!!!

K said...

Best wishes, best wishes! Couldn't have happened to a nicer fabric selling gal!

mel said...

What wonderful news! Congratulations to you, Ollie and Reuben!

Many, many warm wishes...

Jayne said...

Congratulations Rhea, how exciting. Your ring looks gorgeous - even through the shakiness!

I plan on stopping by the quilt show this weekend and FINALLY introducing myself! West Gardiner...your peonie fabric bunch winner!

Julie said...

AAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited and happy for you!! That has to be the blurriest picture you've ever posted on your blog! I'm so glad I decided to check it. See you tomorrow at the quilt show. Happy, happy wishes to you, Oliver and, of course, Reuben!

zoesimm said...

yeah!!!! Congrats to the 2 of you!!!!

May said...

Congratulations!!! It couldn't have happened to a nicer couple. Now I need to hear all of the details. Too bad there is no sewing lounge this week.
L, M

Farmgirl Susan said...

Congratulations! :)

sternwerfer said...

Congratulations from sternwefer – a sometimes-reader of your blog

slgribb said...

Rhea -- That's incredibly exciting!!!! Congratulations!!!

Beej said...

Congratulations! :-D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you. Your excitement makes me really happy! Bless you both! Many happy years!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Michaela said...

Oh RHEA!!!! Congrats!

I'm so very happy for you :)

Once your hands stop shaking and your heart slows down, let us see a better picture of the bling!

Anonymous said...


SOOOOOOOOOOO fabulous! I want to hear the WHOLE story. I CANNOT believe I saw Ollie on Thursday morning and he didn't say a WORD! I'm racing off to the quilt show and will hunt you down to give you a big hug! SO exciting!

Love to you both!

Bettie K.

Anonymous said...

Warm congratultations to you!!! What lovely news and so exciting! I hope to see you and your ring in person before too long. We are planning a trip your way! :)
~Emily xx

Ellen said...


Kate said...

congratulations to you

Tina @ Squirrel Acorns said...

Congratulations! We stopped by your booth at the quilt show today (twice) and just loved all of your fabrics. Good luck wedding planning!

Iris E. said...


Congrats to you and that smart fella you have who knew better than to let you get away!!!!


Liesl Gibson said...

Oh, many congratulations! I'm very excited for you and wish you all happiness.

You couldn't have picked a fiance with a better name, by the way...

amanda said...

Oh!! Congratulations, Rhea!! What wonderful news.