This link will lead you to a great story about my friend (and good customer) Jayne's son, Jackson.

(Photo from the Kennebec Journal)
Jayne, for all of you super-locals, is from West Gardiner and she was the gal who made the patchwork belts and matching watch-straps at the Craft Swap.
She is also the gal who told me about the Pyrex Lady at the Monstweag flea-market.
Good luck, Jackson... I'll be watching and I know you'll be great!
what a great story!! i will forward it to my friend who has a son with ds!
good luck to him!
Rhea!!!! How sweet are you! Thanks for the linky love. We cannot wait for tomorrow, it's going to be absolutely amazing. I will be sure to update my blog with some pictures and the whole enchilada of a story when I get my breath back from all the craziness.
"Now pitching for the Boston Red Sox...
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