Welcome to the 2011 Virtual Christmas Open House!

I'm so glad you could make it...
Come on in, pull up a cushion by the fire and settle in.
If you were here last year, you know the drill.
If you're new, let me show you around...

Just make yourself at home, leave me a comment with some holiday cheer (and your e-mail address so I can get in touch with you) and you'll be entered for a LOT of great prizes.
You might win a $50 gift certificate to alewivesfabrics.com, a stack of fat quarters, a set of charm squares, or any number of fun surprises.
Everyone who doesn't win one of the big prizes will receive a promotional code for a free fat quarter (up to $3.00 value) in their next order from alewivesfabrics.com, so remember to leave me your e-mail address so it's easy to contact you.
Need some inspiration for your commenting?
Tell me...
Egg Nog or Cocoa?
Tinsel or no tinsel?
White lights or colored lights?
Naughty or nice?
(That's what I thought!)

Please enjoy each other's company and let it be known that all of us at Alewives Fabrics are so thankful to our wonderful customers for a fabulous year (even in a not-so-fabulous economy!) and I, personally, am so very thankful for my wonderful blog readers.
I will be back in here on Tuesday to announce the winners... good luck (and don't forget to leave me your e-mail address)!
Enjoy your weekend and thanks for attending the 2011 Virtual Christmas Open House!
Cocoa, no tinsel, white lights, and a little bit of both!
Merry Christmas!!
Cocoa with butterscotch shnapps is divine!
Well, it's cold here in Oklahoma, although probably not as cold as your neck of the woods! I'm dreaming of a quilt involving Anna Maria horner's new flannel and some wool batting. Maybe after I finish all my Christmas sewing!!
Merry Christmas and thanks for hosting a virtual open house for those of us who are too far away to be there in person. T(dot)Herin(@)SMHa(dot)com.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!! As for tinsel no, naughty or nice a little of both. Cocoa all the way. Although I like both if I had to pick I would go with colored.
Hi Rhea! I am german, but I moved to Northern Norway 3 years ago. Being used to RED candles to Christmas (and no discussing it really), I had to find out that PURPLE is big for the season here! So the question is: red or purple? I still go for red though. Old dogs and such :D
Wishing you colorful and Merry Christmas!
(and thanks for the virtual christmas open house!)
I'm a cocoa, no tinsel, white lights, nice person -- and wow that sounds rather boring!
Wish I could stop in today but I'm 2 states away.
White lights and cocoa are on my list of likes. Hoping for a white Christmas but so far nothing here in CT.
Hi Ladies, Cocoa, No tinsel, white lights..... and I try really hard to be nice all year long.... After all Santa is watching :) I need to get in and double check how to cover my trays.... The bad thing is I haven't finished this years projects and I am already looking for new things for next year :) I will stop in soon.
Happy Holidays to Everyone and good luck.
Lots of tinsel...but only the top half of the tree so the cats don't eat it...lol. Colored lights on my tree and white in the kitchen. I'm trying to do a few sewing projects for Christmas gifts...slow going though. Two little ones make it hard to sew sometimes :) Merry Christmas and thanks for the chance to win!
Always a little bit naughty & mostly nice ! I'll be sitting by the fire with a cup of pumpkin spice chai tea, or maybe cocoa, admiring the white lights decorating my rooms- so pretty ! Have a happy Christmas ! jbiette@maine.rr.com
happy to be here- since I am snowed in all the way away in Walpole. ME. Making christmas tree shaped meringues, finishing up my wrapping and my very last little christmas sewing projects...oh and i'm a fan of irish coffee with real whipped cream...see you in the store soon...
-Egg nog with a dash of brandy ;-)
- tinsel, although we left it off this year due to our two kittens
- colored lights, preferably the old-fashioned ones
- Naughty and nice
May I add... I love your vintage postcard greetings that you have every holiday--I have copied you, and I post one on my Facebook profile for holidays.
Happy Holidays to you!
Tinsel is the tradition on my grandparents tree. Love to pop in on this cold grey day, but I'm being snuggled by (and snuggling) my new baby boy. mollyrogers84@gmail.com
I have very fond memories of the two Christmases I spent in Germany. I went to my first eggnog party there (actually hosted by someone who got the idea from America) - and it was the real thing - raw eggs and all. I tried making some myself with peach schnapps and it was divine. Sadly have to forgo this year because I'm expecting. I also love hot spiced wine (though have to pass on that this year as well).
I love both white and colored lights, so since my husband loves colored, that is what we get. No tinsel (cat would eat it).
Wish I could stop by - I love hearing SouleMama talk about you guys!
Family, laughs, Fun and goodies....
Cocoa, tinsel,white lights and nice.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Cocoa (definitely not eggnog) and no tree so no tinsel or lights. All my family live out of state so it's a very low-key holiday for me. I vicariously get my holiday cheer by working at Starbucks & helping others celebrate the holidays:) I enjoy a quiet time with the cats and watching Elf and the original Grinch & Charlie Brown.
Merry Christmas to all! The best part of any holiday is decorating the tree and remembering something special about each ornament and then sitting back and enjoying the beautiful tree full of so many memories.
Hi Rhea! Um, I still haven't finished the Turning 20 quilt, but I'm sooooooo close. I have I think about 2 sides to finish binding and then I'm done. But I'm already planning a couple other quilts. Go figure. Thanks for doing the virtual open house!
Hi Rhea and all at Alewives fabrics, merry Christmas! Atsuko, I'm still working on my turning 20 quilt too... Am hoping to get some time to work on it in the holidays :) This is our first tinsel free year and I'm loving how the tree looks without it. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas season,
Working on the next Craft Swap project and a Winslow Market Tote is under the tree for my Mom. Be sure to try out the new Mint and Dark Chocolate Chips from Nestle - they are to die for! The day started out at Popham Beach and has ended snuggled on the couch with Hank by my side. Cheers!
We finally have a little bit of snow in Michigan! And absolutely yes for tinsel; white lights ALWAYS; and hopefully, nice! And I am making a quilt tonight for a very nice young man that loves my daughter! :)
Egg Nog or Cocoa? - Cocoa
Tinsel or no tinsel? - NO tinsel
White lights or colored lights? - White
Naughty or nice? - Nice
Spent the afternoon baking my sons favorite Christmas cookies. Baking pies, cookies & stollen are family traditions here!
Busha's special Cocoa recipe, colorful old fashioned lights, handmade ornaments from my childhood, sewing and painting projects and being surrounded by family for the holiday cheer.
Merry Christmas!
We are all about the beeswax candles at our place and the children like lots of candy canes. We own a bakery too so holiday treats abound. Merry Christmas to you and your all!!!
white lights, hot cocoa, sugar cookies, paper stars in the windows. Merry Christmas! lilynewtonknits(at)gmail(dot)com
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