Hello one and all,
I taught my last class at Cambridge Quilt Shop last night. It was so much fun to teach those ladies... I had an exceptionally wonderful group and I miss them already. I have a little tear in my eye this morning. So thank you, Paula, Joan, Laura, Lisa, Elizabeth and Maria, for making my last class at CQS such a nice note to leave on. I'm very proud of you all!!!
At school yesterday we all went to the Transportation Building, which is a good 20 minute walk away, for lunch. Along the way I took pictures of every cliched Boston landmark we came across. It felt good to get that out of my system. Let's see... I've eaten at Cheers, ridden on the Swan Boats, shopped at Faneuil Hall... all that's left before I go is to take a ride on the Duck Tours, and I plan on crossing that off the list when I come back for Graduation, which for some reason isn't until May 9th.
Anyways, I'll go get some work done now... enjoy the virtual tour of Boston... the Magnolia Trees and Cherry Trees are amazing right now! Did I not go to school in a most spectacular setting? I WILL miss you, Boston (sometimes). This is my Swan Song (pun INtended) to you...
Can I post photos?
do you now have a digicam?
Great photos of Boston. Dogwoods in bloom? We had a dogwood in the yard in Braintree when I was a boy. We had a wren in a wren house in that dogwood and I remember watching her raise here young.
Read the whole comment Mark!
MAGNOLIAS! I should have known.
It's okay, Pop,
Hey! Looks like fun :)
Do you remember me? The woman with the baby who came in looking for Amy Butler fabric? (By the way, I have to call and see if it's in yet!)
I got the e-mail from Alewives and had to check out your blog. I love Blogger :)
I'm really looking forward to taking a class if I can. I'm particularly interested in the Amy Butler weekender bag one. Are you doing that again soon?
Hey erin... of course I remember you!!!
Thanks so much for checking out my blog!!!
Your fabric hasn't come in yet, but everyone's on red alert to call you when it does. It shouldn't be too much longer. So, the weekender bag will probably be taught again in late summer/early fall. See you soon!!
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