It has been a ZOO around here lately.
And my brain has things escaping from it.
I om officially one of those people who bought a magazine they ALREADY HAD.
Can you believe that?
Tell me I am not the only person who has done this.
But anyways,
we are getting ready for Maine Quilts 09 which is this super-huge gigantic quilt show in Augusta.
Every year it takes place during the last full weekend of July and this year the last full weekend is the 24th, 25th and 26th...
So, this year's show is almost a whole week earlier than it normally is, and right on the heels of the Denyse Schmidt workshop.
What I'm trying to tell you (in my own roundabout, rambly-rambly way) is that I may be a little bit scarce these next coupla weeks.
There is a LOT to get ready for.
Certain other quilt shops who shall remain nameless go to many, many, many shows a year and God bless 'em.
We go to one show a year and it just about kills me.
Call me crazy but I like it when the customers come to us...
(Not the other way around.)
We drag the best of the best and the newest of the newest to the show and set up a booth for three days and sell, sell, sell and then we come home EXHAUSTED.
It takes me WEEKS (not days) to get everything back in ship-shape again, and if you know anything about me you know that I get wicked... um, shall we say ..."upset".... if the store looks messy.
So, I have been taking my down-time very seriously.
I spent hours on the dock at the lake yesterday.
I finished Twilight and now I am a couple of hundred pages into New Moon.
I love, love, love having a big 'ol book to read.
And Ollie and I are looking forward to vacationing in Vermont at the end of August.
Any suggestions?
We are thinking Stowe because it came highly suggested by my friend Barbara and her husband Donovan.
They said it was near the Ben&Jerry's factory and a bunch of other stuff, too, but the truth was, they had me at Ben&Jerry's.
The picture is from my Grandmother's place in Sprucehead.
It is lovely and right on the ocean.
How could you not be relaxed there?
I am very spoiled indeed to have the choice of a private ocean-front or lake-front property from which to enjoy my days off.
And I love my job...
(Even though running a business can sometimes be stressful.)
Anyhow, just wanted to touch base.
Hope you are able to set aside some relaxi-cab time this summer, too!
PS Please, if you are at Maine Quilts come and say "Hi" to me. I will be demo-ing the Vinyl Grocery Tote Saturday morning at 10:30 and I'll be in the booth the rest of the time...
Unless I make a Coolatta-run : )
Don't keep us in suspense, Rhea! What the heck was the magazine??
Oh, it was American Patchwork&Quilting, don't ya know!
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