• Buying Japanese pattern books from Pomadour's Craft Cafe on Etsy.

This is my latest acquisition.
There is a good chance that I will probably never make anything from it and I have this suspicion that even if I did these would probably not look the same on me as on this lanky young Japanese specimen, but what are you gonna do?
• I love the two little blond girls on Katiedid's blog, and I think when I am ready for kids that I will put in an order for two just like them.
I can get them an agent and they can pay their own way through college.
• Ready for another round of Heather's Vintage Swap (yay!!!)
• Waiting like a spider to catch one of these original oil paintings from JanetHillStudio on Etsy.

I bought a print of this painting a little while ago and I love, love, love it, but I have never been able to catch an original painting in time and I don't even know how much they go for, which is probably just as well because I suspect I may not be able to afford one.
I think I have a tea-towel fetish that apparently extends to oil paintings.
(By the way, tell me I am not the only gal with a thang for tea towels.)
• Trying to decide if I like or dislike the new trend of calling people who sew "sewists."
Are we doing this to avoid calling people sewers?
As in, there are rats in the sewers?
Give us some credit: I think we can tell the difference!
And I've noticed some places are doing the same thing with the word "Stockist."
As in, someone who "stocks" a certain brand of fabrics is called a "Stockist."
Because calling them a "Stocker" would just be weird.
• We have locked in Miss Blue Bird Baby herself to do the photography at our wedding.
(That's what I call a total snag.)
• Any day now the new Kokka fabrics will arrive at the shop and you will see me do the Happy Dance.
I had to talk about the shop somewhere in there...
Looks like I did it just in the nick of time, because now I am off to make some Bearnaise sauce.
Just to be clear, Bearnaise sauce is not made from actual bears.
Maybe we should start spelling it "BAYRnaise" sauce to avoid confusion...
(wink, wink).
Rhea at Alewives
Love that painting....congrats on snagging an awesome photographer....and I wish you hadn't shown me that Etsy shop full to the brim with awesome Japanese craft books.
Your post totally cracked me up!
I think sewist is a little weird, too. Hope your Bare-naze came out good!
"stockist" is very british. and, um, i just ordered three new tea towels from crate and barrel. fabulous veggies. check them out. yum.
Teatowels---LOVE.THEM. I have been into some modifications lately, of vintage TT, into little cafe aprons and full-body aprons for little ones. Will post those soon! So easy and so nice to see them!
And my gal Kim finally made it down to your little haven then other day...She's thrilled she found you and I am so glad she took my advice to get herself down there. I just LOVE so much to spread the love about your store.
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