(Ha ha ha... I've been waiting for weeks to make that Star Wars joke!)
Well, on this absolutely frigid day here in Maine (12 below when we woke up this morning: I feel like 'm living in Siberia!) I thought it only appropriate to take my Mom and her Winslow Market Tote (it was one of her Christmas presents from me) and do a little photo shoot with the fourth of these little babies I have made...
Don't you love how different the bag looks depending on which fabrics you use?

This particular Winslow Market Tote is my favorite I have made so far: it was really hard to stay the course and give it to Mom, but I did. (Most unlike me, I assure you!)
I made this from a Nani Iro remnant we had at the shop... this fabric is therefore gone, but I bet you can find it elsewhere and it is similar to this one. The rest of the bag was made of fabrics from Amy Butler's August Fields collection (they are out of print, too: I was using up my stash!).

It was a bit of a challenge to use the home-dec prints with the double-gauze print, because the double-gauze is definitely a bit wiggly, but I backed all of the double-gauze with good old 931TD (our go-to medium weight fusible-interfacing) and then everything behaved quite nicely.
I lined the bag with some of our organic canvas and added a pocket that I made out of some leftovers (Moms always need pockets. Especially my Mom with her tissues that she keeps forever and ever.) and then I was all done.
I have one more Winslow Market Tote to share with you (well, at press time I only had one more to share: who knows what will happen in the next couple of days...). That last one is my little sister's Tote that I made her for a Christmas present and I really like it a lot, but you will have to wait until I nab her for a photo shoot to show you.
As always, thanks so much to Kathy Mack for designing the pattern, which you can find for free here.
While I think of it, you should hop over to Iris' blog and see the gorgeous Winslow Market Tote that she made with some of our fabrics. I love how it looks so Scandinavian-chic!
Just had to say--- that a patient recently told me( who incidentally had tissues everywhere ie. Up her sleeve, down her shirt, and in every pocket) that as you get older, " things change"------ Your nose runs and your feet smell---
I've really been wanting to try this pattern. Its been sitting in my craft folder for about a month. Thanks for the inspiration to try this pattern myself. Your tote turned out great!
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