I'm feeling generous today.
I want to give something away.
What I really want to give away is a big secret about a certain event that will be taking place this summer (And no, I am neither getting married nor having a baby, so put those thoughts to rest!), but I don't want to give this particular secret away just yet.
So I'm going to make you work for it.
I will give you a little "hint, hint", in the form of a picture (which as we all know says a thousand words). Then, you have to do a little research. Give me your best guess as to just exactly what it is that's going to happen here this summer AND the name of the quilt in the picture and I will enter you into a drawing for a certain book written by a certain someone.
Need another hint?
Tell you what...
I'm going to send you here and then leave this post open to comments until Saturday Next (6:00 pm on March 21, to be precise).
Leave your name and e-mail address with your best guess and the name of the quilt and then all will be revealed!
Give me your BEST guesses, darlings!!!
(...and yes, it's THAT good)
Comments are now cuh-losed and I am so pleased to announce that my very own personal random number generator (also known as "Hey, Ollie,... pick a number between 1 and 12!") has chosen lucky number 4 to receive Denyse Schmidt's book, Denyse Schmidt Quilts.
Here's the winning comment:
Philigry said...
AHHHH, Denyse schmidt is coming to your shop!
summer in maine-
Kate, I am so happy for you! I will e-mail you shortly about your lovely prize.
And Miss Kate is oh-so correct. Denyse Schmidt is coming to Alewives! But more on that a little bit later...
Thanks everybody and have a great weekend!
Summer In Maine- Denyse Schmidt, my inspiration for most of my improv quilts.
Summer in Maine-Denyse Schmidt is coming to teach a class!! I can't wait!! ~Erica :)
Sign me up for a Denyse Schmidt workshop if that is what the surprise is!
AHHHH, Denyse schmidt is coming to your shop!
summer in maine-
P.s. I jsut read your comment on my blog and laughed out loud. love that show!
Sounds like Denise Schmidt is coming to Alewives for a workshop- sign me up! What a bunch of squares: quilt guess.
Denyse Schmidt is coming to Alewives?
The quilt is "Summer in Maine"
i cannot tell a lie... to pretend i don't know all about it would be cheating. i'll just sya "pick me" and leave it at that!
The quilt is called "Summer in Maine". The secret is that Denyse Schmidt is coming to Alewives to do a workshop (and is staying at Rhea's B & B).
OMG!!! Denyse Schmidt is doing a workshop??!?!?!?!
Oh, and the quilt is Summer in Maine.
Also, can we talk about the fact that you are doing a sale just as I'm goign to be leaving for Detroit?
My guess is that Denyse Schmidt is coming and that quilt looks like "what a bunch of squares" but I can see that is not a popular answer...I'll stick with it though.
Giveaways are awesome! Alewives is awesome!!
I know I know! Denyse Schmidt is coming! Where do I sign up??
The name of the quilt, appropriately, is Summer in Maine (a variation of Drunk Love in a Log Cabin).
Rhea, watching postcardquilt blog for new hints!
Oh I just got in under the wire - Throw my name in the hat!
yay! yay!! so excited about this! thanks so much.
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