I had been eyeing the Summer Blouse for quite some time and reading all about it on other people's blogs. In the photo above it looks nice and long in the torso but don't be fooled! They must have added some serious length to the shirt in the photo. Either that or the model is cuh-razy disproportioned (which I suspect is not the case). I added an inch to the length of my pattern, but ladies I am super short waisted. I repeat. I am super short waisted. If you are normal through the torso you will want to add at least 2 inches to the pattern length and if you are at all long waisted I will advise an addition of 4 inches. Unless of course you like the cropped look and then it's all good. One more comment is that I'm pretty sure you need 1 3/4 yards instead of the 1 1/2 yards Heather calls for in the book. I didn't have enough fabric to cut my sleeves out but the extra quarter of a yard would give you enough.
And then I found myself the subject of an impromptu solo photo shoot because I felt so darn cute in the thing. Ollie wasn't around to take my picture for me and as I haven't yet taught Reuben how to use the camera it was me and the mirror, baby.
I chose one of Heather's prints from the supah-wicked popular Mendocino line. I love the super-soft finish to all of Heather's fabrics (I am a huge fabric nerd that way) and also felt like it was her book, I should use her fabrics. I tend to do this with Amy Butler stuff, too.
Jessie kind of made a face when I chose my fabric (she is nothing if not honest), and implied that I might look like I was wearing my Pajama Top if I made my Summer Blouse from this fabric and maybe she had a point but if wearing your Pajama Top as Summer Blouse is wrong then I don't wanna be right, okay? I quite LOVE the way this one came out.
It was so easy and so fun and as always, the worst part was tracing and cutting out the pattern pieces. Now that I have that part all done I will FO SHO be making more of these little numbers. I want to make one super long and wear it as a tunic with Jeans.
See you again soon with more projects!
Love love LOVE seeing your process and hearing about it! It is such a cutie top!!!! Totally awesome. If I can get back in my groove with the quilt, I will feel just fine about making one of those for the summer.
It will be a big leap into WEARABLE sewing projects for me. Perhaps I need more the beginner book you mentioned first. Anyway I am treating myself to a visit to the store for your upcoming special day, so why not pick up some fabric and a new book for a new cute project?! That way I can get a present too!!!
You are a cute girl in a cute top!! I want to make one too. Hmmmmmm, I wonder if there is a website I can go on that sells the book . . .
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